We define design as new values that are not tied to form, see through the essence, and transform perspective.

We're witty and playful, but we're also serious about designing big structures and initiatives, but we're sometimes people who spend hours looking into the monitor for pixel-sized details. If you think you're like us, you're in the right place. Welcome to Double D.

We find problems behind the design, finds problems, and creates optimal design solutions.

Design is the process of systematically discovering and defining the problems behind it, and continuously visualizing ideas while experimenting with solutions. With a love of learning and exploring, Double D welcomes any work to improve the brand experience. Designs with logical processes and high formative completeness, including customer experience journey checks, corporate value rediscovery, and strategy design through perspective conversion, create a differentiated perception. Ultimately, we propose the best design solution to solve the partner's.


We take a lead on our work, helping with other.

We have a strong desire for talent and continuous learning, and we are capable of self-motivation for personal growth. We autonomously set the direction and standards for our work and strive to achieve them through diligent effort.

We are both collaborators and colleagues to our partners. We value communication and cooperation throughout the process of working towards shared goals. We can effectively balance individual objectives with the goals of the collective community.

We grasp the nature of work, design efficiently, and enjoy the process.

We sharply grasp the essence of the problem and pinpoint the core context to propose solutions. We are not afraid to step out of our comfort zone for perspective shifts and different modes of thinking.

We allocate human and time resources strategically to efficiently navigate the path that leads to the core. In order to do so, we enjoy the process of trying out and exploring various approaches to find the most effective one.

We are not only designers but also creators, approaching our work with a proactive and enthusiastic attitude. We embrace the unknown without fear and freely express ourselves.

designer Career

Growth System

Individual Contributer

  • Project Managing
  • Creative Concept
  • Design
  • Production

  • Project Managing
  • Creative Concept
  • Design
  • Production

People Management

  • Team Managing
  • Client Service
  • Design Strategy
  • Design Directions

  • Team Managing
  • Client Service
  • Design Strategy
  • Design Directions

Self-development Programs

Leadership Workshop
3-month Leadership Education Program

Junior Workshop
Sharing knowledge and professional growth through knowledge sharing and invited seminars

Yearly Review Program


Team Leader Review


Team Leader Review
OKR & Creative Director Review


Team Leader Review


Team Leader Review
OKR & Creative Director Review



Minjae Huh Creative Director
Ihnwung Jeon Art Director
Junbeom Woo Art Director
Juyeon Park Designer
Juhee Park Designer
Jumyoung Lee Designer
Jaehwi Han Designer
Kyoungyeo Kim Manager


Harry Jun Editor in Chief
Hyunsik Bang Editor
Nuri Kwon MD
Jihoon Park Designer
Sojeong Kim Designer
Haeun Chung Designer

Join our team

We firmly believe that everyone connected with us can enjoy the joy of growth through new discoveries.

See Job Openings

Join our team

채용 인원

주니어/시니어 디자이너 (정규직) 1명

지원 방법

아래 제출 서류를 people@studio-d-d.com으로 보내주세요.
메일 제목에 직책명을 적어주세요.
예시 : [더블디 주니어 디자이너] 홍길동 입사 지원 메일 드립니다.

제출 서류

1. 이력서

• 사진은 첨부하지 않아도 좋아요.

사용 가능 툴과 수준을 적어주세요.

• 자신의 역량을 적어주세요.

2. 자기소개서

• 더블디에 지원하게 된 이유를 적어주세요.
회사 내 어떤 역할, 목적, 성장하고 싶은지 적어주세요.
• 자신의 삶에 영향을 준 중요한 사건(혹은 선택)이 있다면 알려주세요.
자신만의 슬럼프(어려웠던 일) 극복 방법을 자유롭게 적어주세요.
• 디자인을 직업으로 선택하게 된 이유 혹은 디자인을 하는 목적을 적어주세요.

3. 포트폴리오

• 처음부터 끝까지 혼자 진행한 프로젝트를 반드시 포함하여 포트폴리오에 표시해주세요.
• 개인, 팀, 회사 등 작품에 참여한 사람과 날짜, 기여도를 명확히 적어주세요.
• 시각적 Context 혹은 Logic이 담겨있다면 스케치, 기획서, 제안서도 좋아요.
• 다양한 역량을 보여주세요. 개인작업 또한 좋아요.


유연 출근제(오전 9시-10시)
• 리프레시 휴가제(야근 후 늦은 출근)
• 야근 시 저녁 식대 및 교통비 지원
• 사내 간식 및 음료 제공
• 워크숍, 야유회 등 사내 행사


근무지: 서울특별시 마포구 월드컵북로 6길 78 3층 더블디 03990

근무시간: 주 5일 근무 / 오전 10시-오후 7시 (8시간 근무, 점심시간 1시간 포함)

서류전형 합격자에 한하여 유선/메일로 개별 연락드립니다. 별도의 확인과 문의는 받지 않습니다.

• 서류접수(~7월 28일) > 1차 면접, 2차 면접 > 최종 발표(8월 중순)

채용 공고

채용 인원
자격 요건

인재풀 등록

지금은 원하시는 포지션이 없나요?
좌측의 이메일을 참조하여 본인을 저희에게 소개주세요.
추후 기회가 된다면 좋은 만남을 기대합니다.